» Government / Public Services » UK » PO Box 1933 Radstock BA3 4YF

PO Box 1933 Radstock BA3 4YF

Who might have sent this post:
Primary Care Plus;

What could be the nature / purpose of the contents:
GP referral Mental Health; Blood pressure request; Flu jab; Results of blood test

Description of the envelope:
White C5
Front: Window; top right, logo docmail; logo Royal Mail, codeC9100034
bottom centre; code 49 8308i P64 377 ZONE D barcoded
Reverse: top centre; return address; bottom right corner, code E0006V8

Which carrier delivered it:
Royal Mail

Government / Public Services [Healthcare]

[More great entries! – Admin]

Disclaimer: These details are one example of the contents of an envelope to one recipient at one point in time. There is no assurance that all envelopes with these details carries the same contents. You should not rely upon the information on this website for making any business, legal, or personal decisions. Whowroteme.com makes no representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, or reliability with respect to the website or the information that the website holds. Any reliance upon the website information is therefore strictly at your own risk. Whowroteme.com will not be liable for any false, inaccurate, or incomplete information presented on this website.  

35 thoughts on “PO Box 1933 Radstock BA3 4YF

  1. An important request/strong suggestion I need to get my BP checked …second Class post London, via Somerset ?

  2. From Equinti about shareholder comms for Lloyd’s Bank. Says email is undeliverable. I have no shares or attempted to buy them

  3. Letter received supposed to be Sandwell council asking to email name address telephone number email address

  4. Always when my name is not there but using main address(before me who rented) I send back every letters.This is right way!

  5. Mine was from an investor trying to buy my house. Looks like this postal address is used by scammers and spammers!

  6. Received a letter stressing that I had to make an appointment for my diabetic blood test or they will reduce my medications including my insulins. Lovely. I’ve been trying for ages to get an appointment, but because of Covid, unless it’s an emergency you just can’t get any appointments at all! Primary Care Trust in Bath has nothing to do with Manchester’s healthcare I believe. So what the hell? I certainly don’t appreciate veiled threats. I don’t play well with others when they are hinting at retribution if I can’t or don’t cooperate!

  7. Today received a letter to previous owners of our house-they left in 2000 and passed away a few years later. Clearly using very old data. Letter returned.

  8. Letter offering to buy/rent my property from REDACTED, TS6 8FA. Address is bogus – this is in the middle of an old chemical plant site.

    1. Very interesting – thank you. I usually redact any personal data in comments but since this appears to be bogus details, I’ll leave it as-is and hopefully it’ll be helpful to others. Thanks for sharing. Edit. Now redacted as confirmed to be a valid address.

  9. For me it was fine: a note from my GP surgery (in Cheshire) inviting me to get the free flu jab as it’s been extended to 50-64 year olds. I expect this is some sort of clearing house for mass mailings, so no doubt SOME will be scammers.

  10. the letter i recived was from local council asking for details on who lives at the address they sent it to ,you ,me are not obliged to fill it in its not law ,its for the local council to come to you ,law, you are not commiting an offence if you dont fill it in period . a liability oder does not exsist out side of a contract ,if you get one ask to see it ,i dont know anyone who signed up to it do you,council tax is for business propertys only ,law. we are ruled by consent,not force.

  11. My dad got a letter from this address that literally just says his name and address and then the entire letter is just different sized black blocks. There are no words at all! What on earth is it supposed to be? We live in Scotland so don’t see how it could be from any doctor as others have said. If it is a scam then it’s the worse possible one in the world. Maybe it’s some sort of secret code or a redacted classified document and my dad is secretly some sort of spy?

  12. Have Read Comments, So No Idea Whom It May Be From So It Goes Back In The Post. My Front Door Is Private I Dont Let Total Strangers Walk In,Same Goes For Post…

  13. Received letter with obviously photocopied black and white NHS logo, inviting me to have a spring booster Covid-19 vaccine. The letter advised that individuals aged 12 and over who are immunosuppressed should be given a spring booster and that I was now eligible. As I’m not immunosuppressed, have had my spring booster, and the letter was sent in July and didn’t look professionally produced, it immediately raised suspicions.

  14. Legitimate from SOUTH NORFOLK COUNCIL.
    Payment towards Energy Bill, paid to the Council Tax Payer direct to their account that pay Direct Debit Payments for Council Tax.

  15. Letter from my GP’s surgery (scotland) for my annual check up. Obviously the NHS or parts of it use this as a mail centre.

  16. I had one same PO box 1933 etc opened it demand Hastings borough council demand council tax, so paying another company to send council tax demands but using Hastings paperwork etc.

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