Unfortunately some submissions don’t quite make the cut due to quality or lack of detail. Can you help to complete them? Comment below if you have more detail on the below items….
26/11/23 – PO Box 24123, Edinburgh, EH3 1 – Bank Statement – Is this a complete postcode? Need to know what Bank!?
04/11/22 – PO BOX 1933 RADSTOCK BATH BA3 4YF – Envelope description – WHITE BUSINESS SIZE ENVELOPE
3700D 284 90239 P64 378 ZONE D – Thanks for your submission, but with this Return Address you need to also provide the detail of what was inside the envelope so that we can share this information to help others!
27/10/22 – PO BOX 61278 GARMAN ROAD N17 – Sender: The Delivery Group? – Thanks for your submission, but with this Return Address you need to also provide the detail of what was inside the envelope so that we can share this information to help others!
13/01/22 – PO Box 140 Normanton WF6 1YA – Thanks for your submission, but with this Return Address you need to also provide the detail of what was inside the envelope so that we can share this information to help others!
30/08/20 – PO Box 60 Chester CH1 3BE – Lloyds Bank “Collections Centre” – Thanks for this – good to tie a PO Box to a Sender, but we need to know about the Envelope that correspondence comes in.
03/04/20 – PO Box 187 Havant PO9 5TL – UK Mail – Small window envelope: Thanks for the extra detail today – I’ve now added this as a full entry. Just need to improve it with some envelope details…
25/01/20 – PO Box 140 Normanton WF6 1YA – UK Mail – Finance related: Thanks for trying, but you need to tell us the Sender.
16/01/20 – PO Box 10565 51 Saffron Road – “Important confirmation of set-up”: Thanks for trying, but we need to know the Sender. I do have an entry for this road address but different PO Box. Possibly this is Barclaycard?!
08/01/20 – Jarow NE32 9AN – Brown with window, code on back is ANN/BT/SU0917: Thanks for this one, but just need a bit more clarification on Sender and Contents.
16/09/19 – PO Box 4501 Radstock UK BA3 9A – Thanks for trying, however when submitting new entries, you/we need to know the Sender and Contents in order to create a useful post to help others that don’t know
po box 187 havant po9 5tl
Lloyds bank
contained new debit card
Excellent, thanks very much!! I shall copy this item over to its own entry. I don’t suppose you could offer the envelope description also?
21×235MM – White Mailing Envelope – 90gsm with cellophane window – 39X93mm 20mm UP 20mm LEFT. Orientation: wallet. Tapered flap, gummed. Matt finish. Interior: opaque, appears to be blue hatch for privacy.
Other details of unopened envelope: Window shows blue shape in lower right corner, a triangular part of some logo or banner on the letter content.
Po box 16764 Birmingham b2 2nl
who wrote to me?
I can tell you that PO Box 60 Chester CH1 3BE is Lloyds Bank “Collections Centre”
Awesome – thank you! I’ll move this address to its own post.
PO Box 60 Chester CH1 3BE LLOYDS BANK group returned mail box any letters returned to the postal system unopened from the original addressee (moved/not known) for data updating within banking group